Mar 27, 2010

Cat's Eye View series was first released in 1997, as a Macromedia Director movie on Macintosh platform. At that time, I was working as a teacher at a preparatory school for art university.  One day when I went to the office, I found a Macintosh Performa 575 was put at the corner of my room. It was my first encounter with the computer. Adobe Illustrator was pre-installed in it. Frankly, I had looked down on that machine as a tool for the artistic activity. But contrary to my expectations, I became immediately mad to draw my pictures on the computer.

My first computer drawing was a cat. Why a cat? Perhaps, I was impressed with a name "mouse". Because I drew it with a mouse only. And it became a prototype of Cat's Eye View series.  This time I added high resolution images, 16-bit original music written and peformed by ukeke.

1 comment:

  1. What memories!

    To the institution of Castelet, I am sure that all students remember too!!
